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About Amnesty Academy


Amnesty Academy is dedicated to human rights education and training on how to demand human rights for oneself and for others. People have an interest in human rights, but they often run out of knowledge or information on how to fight for them. The purpose of Amnesty Academy is to bridge this gap by providing competences and knowledge to develop a culture of active citizenship. This culture is a necessary bond of a society in which people care about human rights and fight for them. Together with Amnesty Academy, we are going to change the world for the better!

You are currently located at an online multimedia education center dedicated to self-education. On the Amnesty Education sub-page one can find a rich source of knowledge on human rights. It is available in the form of texts, videos, various presentations and, finally, online courses enabling you to earn a certificate. The contents are intended to support studying and schooling and to enrich the pedagogical process, as well as for further training for private or official purposes (e. g. for public administration, policy making, non-governmental sector, social work, journalism…).

It would please us if you use the published materials for your non-commercial work, education, and other needs, but please quote the source (Source: Amnesty Academy).

We also prepare two electronic newsletters. Activist e-newsletter will inform you (at least once a month) about injustice urgently needing your action. Young people (and others) are invited to subscribe here. The E-news for lecturers is meant to communicate current content at least once a month (e. g. reports on the human rights situation, relevant judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and other courts, information on the progress of international human rights standards, etc.). If you are a teacher or a lecturer – or simply interested in this content – you are invited to subscribe here.


Established in 1988 Amnesty International Slovenia is a part of the international organization Amnesty International, a global movement of more than 10 million people. We take injustice personally and stand for a world in which human rights are respected everywhere and guaranteed to everyone.

To achieve this, we investigate and expose human rights violations. We run campaigns to stop violations and introduce new standards; we raise awareness and educate, lobby decision-makers and mobilize people to demand the authorities end human rights violations through petitions, appeals and other forms of pressure.

The power of Amnesty International lies in the masses, as our membership and others who support us can put powerful pressure on the authorities. At Amnesty, you can connect with others to make the world a better place! For our efforts, Amnesty International was awarded the 1977 Nobel Peace Prize.

Our guideline is:

“Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”

Click here for more information about Amnesty International Slovenia.


The University of Ljubljana is introducing an extracurricular activity called Amnesty Academy: Human Rights in Practice. A large part of it is intended for independent or practical work on human rights. Click here to read more about how to get involved.

In addition to extracurricular activities, we will also give lectures on current human rights topics at faculties, including guests from abroad.


The project partners include: the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Health and the Faculty of Social Work of the University of Ljubljana, the Faculty of Security Sciences of the University of Maribor and the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska. The international partner of the project is Amnesty International Norway.

The educational project “Amnesty Academy: Educating Young People for Active Citizenship and Human Rights is funded by the ACF Programme in Slovenia 2014-2021.



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